Thursday, December 30, 2010

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye 2010

The end of the year always gives moments of reflection and sometimes more than moments. I've had a month or so of reflection, and I'm so happy to look forward to a NEW YEAR!!!
In lieu of a Christmas letter or something like that, I decided to blog it and then put it on a picture that hopefully will be coming to you very soon. :)

In February 2009, Roman lost his job. He had been working as a Territory Manager for a Staffing Agency. He would go out prospecting for temporary jobs that would then be filled by people who needed temporary (which sometimes would turn into full time) jobs. I thought it was kind of an oxymoron that the job-seeker lost his job. Alas, he did, and it feels like life has never been the same.

It was just a few months later that he started working as an Insurance Agent, and took the Health, Life, and Disability tests, which he passed. He sold a few policies, but all in all, we were spending WAAAAAY more money than we were making, so in May of 2010, he decided to go to "broker status" with the company. That changed things up for him a little bit, but mostly freed us of a monthly payment for office space. He took a job at DirecTV working in the call center, and after 90 days they let him go for no rhyme or reason. {The "real" reason kind of boils down to this: His supervisor was totally jealous of him because he has an MBA, and while she was on vacation, their team made HUGE numbers, and Roman was getting ready to promote.... she got back and decided to find a reason to fire him. He called in sick one day, and a week later, he got fired. So, now you know the whole story.}

It was then that he started working more closely with his Dad on a business venture ~ of helping him to become a government contractor, working concrete & construction jobs. He has been working hours and hours to get their business papers organized and formalized, as well as working with different venture capitalists to find some funding for some of the larger jobs that they want to bid on. We are in the final processes of this stage, and hopefully this New Year will ring in bigger and better opportunities for our financial living means.

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