Friday, February 13, 2009


I always struggle with what title to give my posts - I guess because I don't really know exactly what I'm going to say... I read (on Strictly Letters' blog ->) a review about a book in which the author tells a story in 6 words -- well, read it for yourself.....

Love in six precious words. Summing up a life long passion or
trauma so succinctly may seem like an abomination, but it actually dates back to the 1920's, when Ernest Hemingway bet his colleagues that he could write a complete short story in just six words.

The result, "For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never Worn."
He reportedly called that his best work.
A few excerpts from Love and Heartbreak:
Our prison visitations were surprisingly romantic. - Larry Smith
People can't want what they want. - Dr. Drew Pinsky
Didn't realize I'd still be lonely. -Pamela Cash
My marital advise? Mary an orphan. -Kristina Wright

Words invoke so much emotion. They say a picture is worth a thousand words...
I say a word is worth a thousand pictures. Try these...
"Jobless." "Homeless." "Childless."
"Loveless." "Misery." "Addiction."

Now, take the flipside of those words... still worth a thousand pictures...
"Hopeful." "Fragrant." "Delicious." "Joyful."
"Simple." "Mommy." "Baby." "Sincere" "Love."

So, I've been thinking on this during the past week - how would I sum up love & heartbreak in 6 words? Could I sum up the course of my life in 6 words? Could I sum up myself in 6 words?
Could I sum up THIS LAST WEEK in 6 words? How about one day at a time? Here's a few for you...

Friday: "Employed. Jobless. It'll be okay." "Blessing in disguise. It always is." "Looming housepayment. Empty Savings. No income." "Try acting as normal as possible." "This will NOT get me down."

Saturday: "Yep, this sucks. It really does." "Something good is around the corner." "Try acting as normal as possible." "This will NOT get me down."

Sunday: "Survival? Yes. How? Don't know." "Try acting as normal as possible." "This will NOT get me down."

Monday: "Apply for jobs. All onlne. Wait." "Network with friends. No leads. Wait." "No more insurance at month end." "Try acting as normal as possible." "This will not get me down."

Tuesday: "Class. Piano lessons. Kids. Piano lessons." "Try acting as normal as possible." "This maybe could get me down."

Wednesday: "Temple. Home. Kids. Piano lessons. " "Try acting as normal as possible?" "This will not get me down." "We'll get through this. Always do."

Thursday: "Kids. Valentines Day parties. Piano lessons." "Act normal as possible? How long?" "This just might get me down."

Friday: "No school. No distraction. Crying starts." "Normal as possible? What is normal?" "Yes, this got me down today." "Crying ends. Headache starts. Need distraction." "Please, Heavenly Father, give me strength.

Here are some other words of hope we read in the Book of Mormon tonight:

1 Nephi 17: 3 "And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide
means for us while we did sojourn in the wilderness."

1 Nephi 17: 13 (This is the Lord speaking to Nephi) "And I will also be your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments; wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall be led towards the promised land; and ye shall know that it is by me that ye are
These words were of great comfort to me, and a direct answer to my prayer that I plead today as I was crying, driving, worrying, fearing, doubting, discouraged. I prayed for strength equal to the task. I plead for strength - not for the trial to be taken away, but for strength. It is a tender mercy. The Lord's hand shown to me. I prayed for strength, and I know that it is only through our Eternal Heavenly Father that I am strengthened, and I truly AM strengthened. I really can say, "Get thee hence, Satan." because I know that I am striving to keep the commandments, and He will prepare the way before me.

So, what will tomorrow bring?
"Get thee hence Satan. I hope." "I am Daughter of The King."

How do I sum up this last week?
"Trial. Hope. Strength. Fear. Prayer. Blessed."

How do I title my entry? Words.

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