Thursday, December 18, 2008


Here is a

I know it's rough sometimes having your birthday so close to Christmas, but hey, someone's gotta do it, right???

So, here's my philosophy:
There are some people like the Grinch whose hearts are two sizes too small... and they just simply could not do with sharing their birthday and the week of Christmas. SO until they change their hearts - like the Grinch did - they just couldn't take the high road.

Now - there are those whose hearts are NOT two sizes too small (uh-hem, us), and like the song says, "If you have love in your heart and your mind, You can have Christmas All the Time."
So - those of you with December birthdays, just keep in mind, that maybe we have been given a special gift of being able to keep Christmas with us ALL the time, and it is our responsibility to show others HOW to take the high road and share - by forcing them to SHARE our birthdays with us!!!

SO - take a minute today, or tomorrow (Linda) or when ever your December birthday is, and do something a little extra nice for yourself...
Here are some ideas:
**Get up early to commune with your older self, and find peace
**Exercise - THEN cake
**Drink only Water
**get enough protein

Now, I did say those were some IDEAs... they are not IDEA-L for ME.
Here's what I have done so far today (on my blessed day of birth):
**Slept in late, and communed with my screeching alarm clock (great start to ANY day, don't ya think?)
**Exercise? does that include running up and down the stairs 5 or 6 times trying to find matching socks?
**Had a diet coke AND cookies for breakfast (yep - that's it... my whole breakfast!)
**Fought with my kids over being late for school.. what a special treat!!!
**Called and made an appointment with my therapist so I can re-hash and BEAT a DEAD HORSE over my issues!!!
**oh yeah, and cleaned up dog poop

So - whatever way you decide to treat yourself on your blessed day of birth, just remember to take that minute or 30, and grow your heart two sizes bigger, treat yourself to an extra smile, hair color, wrinkle remover cream stuff, hand cream for dry cracked hands because the weather is turning your into an aligator, sedative, muscle relaxer, stimulant, whatever treat it is... you WILL have Christmas all the time, but your birthday only once. Please, I beg you - for me - and for all the December birthdays out there - take a minute off of Christmas and let it be ALL about YOU!

WE deserve it!
Now, for all you OVER ACHIEVERS out there whose birthdays ALSO happen in the month of December, I can't help but show you a HIGHER ROAD! (We ARE over acheivers, aren't we...)
$25 Gift Certificate from Got Something 2 Say GC
to one lucky December Birthday person...
Leave a comment and tell me what you did to celebrate the
high road on your December birthday!
okay, what the heck... November and January too...
well, if we're going to be over achievers - everyone is invited to enter.
Be sure to tell me when your birthday is, and what your own high road journey includes...
I'll RANDOMLY select a WINNER on January 1, 2009

Love you!


Turners said...

Hello, for my birthday I slept in (it was a snow day),I had lunch at the Albion Cafe with my friends (they paid), went shopping with my husband and bought myself a pair of Sketchers (thank you, Mari)and best of all red roses from my husband. I had a Great Day. Linda

Blauers said...

I'm having a baby this month...hopefully! Does that count? It will be my baby's birthday and we are going to celebrate it in the hospital!! yeah!