It does't get any better than this!!! Well - the only thing better is if Roman had a job - which he doesn't yet. It has been 52 days - which equals 7 weeks and 3 days - and if we're being technical, 11 hours and about 46 minutes... but who's counting?
So, TB (track break- just about as painful as the other TB - teburkulosis, which I know I spelled wrong, so I just sounded it out, thanks to hukt on foniks, I no how to do that) started on March 9 - at least that's what the calendar said... what it SHOULD have said was 3:46 on Friday March 6th, being that the release bell rings at 3:45. Kati came home seeming a little tired - which is quite unusual for her, but a welcomed break for me. We had our customary Friday afternoon snack at Fast Eddys - mine, of course consisting of Diet Coke with vanilla, Halle's - well, she's random, but does follow her strict "Sugar Diet", but Kati just wanted a propel (kind of like gatorade)- which is pretty unusual for her. This unusual-ness dragged on for Friday, Saturday, and then Sunday morning, we woke up and she was just SICK!?! Rosie cheeks, kind of - SLIGHTLY fevery, and an overall feeling of "sick."
Okay - so I realized THEN that Halle wasn't faking it the week prior when she had the same type of symptoms, but it didn't really hit her as hard as I did Kati, but talk about pouring on the guilt. Sheesh!
This lasted for a WEEK! Seriously! A WEEK! I know! I couldn't believe it either! Every day I'd wake up and hope that Kati was still not feeling good so that she wouldn't feel like nit-picking Halle-kula to DEATH over playing Barbies which Halle HATES!!!!!
So, the second week was St. Patricks day - right? That was kind of a fun day - we had dentist appointments! No cavities for Kati! No cavities for Halle! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! We did have to get a "sealing" on one of Halle's molars though. We got referrals for an Orthodontist consultation for both of them, and so then the following day (can you believe they got us in that fast?!) it was off to the orthodontist. Turns out Kati's overbite is not as bad as had previously been suspected, and we might get by with just a retainer thing. (Angels singing!)
We also had a play date this week - oh, and a lice scare... yes, you heard me right... lice. This family (who shall remain nameless, but I will call them family B) was all non-chalant about the whole thing - FINALLY telling the family that we're friends with (who shall remain nameless, but I will call them family A) - that they had a bad outbreak of lice! Just so happens that children of family A (the lice-free ones) had been at my house for like 2 hours the day BEFORE we knew, and that day, family B ALREADY KNEW!!! I was so ticked! Mom A and I shunned Mom B. Well, Mom A got over it, but me - well... I held a grudge for a few days. I mean, really... Lice? EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWww just typing it is gross!!!
So, then the next week was Roman's birthday, AND Spring Break for the rest of the district! We had friends over, played a friends' houses, tea parties, all kinds of fun. and then it was Wednesday. Can I just tell you that by last night, I wanted to find a sharp object to fall on! It as pure, unadulterated torture! 5 days of it !!! If this is a glimpse of what it will be like in - say 4- years, I might as well start planning my funeral!
We scraped enough greenbacks together to use a movie as bribery for good behavior, so we got a few hours of "Love at Home" but a movie is a hefty price on unemployment!!! So, I'm all excited because I'm naive and thing that I'm really doing it - putting down the iron fist AND getting my money's worth!!! We got in the car! Drove to the theater! Got IN the theater! Watched the movie, and LUH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaME!
Monsters vs. Aliens... where's the sharp object I was looking for??
I DID, however, find a piano teacher for my children. Unfortunately, she has only one opening right now, so Halle is taking lessons from her, and Kati continues to take lessons from me. (I know what you're thinking, and it's true... I know... that just means she's not getting lessons at all.) So, pray that our teacher will get another opening.
And, I managed to get a book read - I read "The Secret Life of Bees," and I really enjoyed it! (okay, so I don't remember the rules of engagement for typing titles of books, and I'm too tired to look it up, so just pretend that I did it right, k?) I did get the movie Friday night, but didn't get a chance to watch it, so I took it back, then decided to get it again, and still didn't watch it. Talk about lame - Me, not the book! :D
I've found like a gazillion friends on FaceBook, too!
But, now it's back to the ol' grind... piano lessons, piano lessons, piano lessons... I'm starting a new curriculum next year - It's really cool... Linda - we HAVE to talk! STUDENTS - BEWARE!!!
So, that's my life - updated, and in a nut shell... can you see why I'm singing praises of HALLELUIA!!!?!
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